Running skirts are all the rage these days, among women runners. I've thought about trying out one of these running skirts, but I must admit that I'm pretty frugal. Some skirts are in the $50-$60 range. That's waaaay too much, especially if there's a risk of chafing. Youch! They are pretty cute, however. Maybe the chafing is worth it?
One of the biggest pieces of advice that I received before my first marathon experience, was to NEVER try anything *new* the day of the race. No new shoes, no new socks, no shirts, no shorts, no jog bras; on the day of the marathon. The main reason for this, is that many problems can crop up expectedly during the race. Problems like monster blisters, just ask Novak Djokovic about blisters. (He retired halfway through his match agaist Nadal yesterday.)
All this ranting and rambling is getting to a point, here. It's time purchase a cute, little running skirt for marathon day. If I'm going to wear one on race day, I need to wear my skirt on long runs! Choosing a color is going to be tough. Should I get one that matches my shoes? Or, do I go for basic black?
The nine miles went well yesterday. We beat the heat by getting out before the sun came up. My legs aren't sore at all, but I do feel a bit tired. That's probably Michael related, not running related tiredness.
posting at 4:13 am again eh?
The skirt idea sounds interesting! I saw some in Title Nine. I tried running this past weekend at my parent's -- too hot and couldn't get to 7 miles. Call me!
I definitely think purple would be the color for the skirt...or green, you look really good in green.
Go are the greatest...mj
The skirts do seem to be everywhere and I have been wondering about them myself. I, however, am not a real runner like you. I would love to read about them on your blog...I'm interested in the whole riding up thing and chafing as well. Please do get a skirt...I'd go with black...and let us all know how it goes.
:) Melis
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