Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Rough Mornings.

The past two mornings have been very rough.  Both mornings the baby has greeted me with these horrendous "cramps", kinda like contraction cramps.  (Not good at all).  

This morning, I woke around 5:15, which is completely normal for me.  However, the cramping was not normal.  I tried to sleep on my left side, right side, my back, with pillows, without pillows.  None of those things helped the cramping, so I got out of bed and headed downstairs for some water and Gatorade.  After finishing a couple glasses of diluted Gatorade, I headed back upstairs to try to rest some more.  The cramps eventually dissipated, but obviously there was no way that I could have gotten in a run this morning.  

We'll see what tomorrow brings.  I sure do miss running and I miss my running figure.  : (  I'll be out there soon enough, I know.  It doesn't make it any easier, though.  

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