Good grief, I miss running right now.
I know that I should be enjoying each and every minute of this pregnancy and savoring the moment, particularly, the sweet movements of the baby. Honestly, though, I don't feel like myself right now. I feel huge. I miss my abs, just to be able to sit up without bracing myself or grabbing onto to something would be greatly appreciated.
In countless ways, this pregnancy is such a gift. It's a gift to realize how much I appreciate my non-pregnant and extremely healthy body. Unfortunately, I think so many of us waste our lives not appreciating our healthy bodies. I think it's not until the body begins to break down (whether it is normal wear and tear, or whether it is from obesity, or whether it is from a disease), that we fully appreciate the gift of health. I'm thankful that I'm realizing what a blessing it is to be able to run, roll around on the floor playing cars with a three year old, or dig in the sand with a toddler, with complete ease and comfort.
I really, really miss running. And, walking up the stairs without panting like a dog on a walk in the summer time. I miss my girlfriends, watching the sun rise while finishing up a run, and starting the day off with total peace. I also miss marathon training right now, which is ridiculous! : )
There are only a few weeks left before utter exhaustion kicks in with a newborn. Until then, I'm going to try to waddle on as much as I can. I plan to continue with run/walking; especially, since I will have my own exercise time in the morning now that Michael is starting the school year routine. I might even try to add swimming to the mix, once I figure out this new routine.
As long as I don't have a cesarean, I should be back in no time. And, I will try to remember these feelings of gratitude when I lace up my running shoes, with ease and comfort.