Monday, August 11, 2008

Round and Round!

Yesterday I walked a little over 5 miles around a high school track.  Josh and I also took Michael and Duncan for a mile walk last evening, since it was such a gorgeous evening.  Good grief am I sore today!  My shins get really sore from walking, and so does my right ham string.  It feels great to be tired today from exercising, though.  (How I'd love to get out and run a quick 5 miles around town! Right now!)  

Last week I did a run/walk with my running group, which felt great.  I was so relaxed the rest of the day and was able to sleep really well that night.  It was my intention to get more exercise in last week than what I did, but sometimes sleep is a little bit more important.  I guess...  

Tomorrow my goal is to try to run/walk for a little bit in the morning.  For some reason, I can handle the scale at the doctor's office much better if I have exercised that morning.  Even though the scale might be climbing two, three, four, or five pounds; I'm okay knowing that I've done some sort of exercise that morning.  I'm crazy, I know...

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