Monday, May 4, 2009

Frustrated with running.

Running has been really frustrating lately.  I'm tired!  Normally I run in the mornings, but I've been so tired lately that I just haven't been able to drag myself out of bed.  I wanted to do a long run on Sunday morning, but the thought of getting out of bed before seven o'clock made me want to cry.  So, I listened to my body and enjoyed the extra few hours of sleep.  

This weekend I ran in the AB 10k, which was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I didn't even try to race it because I know my body just isn't ready yet.  It was great to get in six miles, but I was completely annoyed with myself for the rest of the day for not at least setting a goal.  

For some reason I am planning on running in a half in just two weeks.  I'm going to set a goal this time and even wear a watch.  We'll see how it goes.  A good goal at this point would be something around an hour and fifty minutes, or so.  I haven't run that far since the last half, but I'm still going to try my best.  

Now that tax season is behind us, I'm thinking that I will be able to get out on a more consistent basis.  At least I'm hopeful for that because right now I feel completely frustrated with myself, even though I haven't had a full night sleep since last spring some time.  I'll sleep again one day, right?  

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