Today I went to the gym! For the first time in over a month! Acck. Not something I'm proud of, by the way....
Just last evening, Josh and I had a conversation about the ole' gym membership. I feel like I should go ahead and cancel it because I don't think I'm going often enough to justify the cost. He disagrees. (How I love him...) We've had a few blips here and there over the past six weeks, so it has been difficult to get to the gym for one reason or another. I truly don't want to give up the membership because I love the wellness center. It's so nice and clean- the steam room is reason alone not to drop the membership. And, I'm always in the best mood when I leave that place. The people there are great, particularly the receptionist. It would be hard to part with that membership, but if it doesn't make sense financially, then I will.
The marathon program calls for two days of cross training a week. One workout is just a half an hour and the other is about forty minutes. Both are completely do-able. I'm just trying to figure out a schedule so that the cross training interferes as little as possible with Josh and the kiddos. It's going to be a challenge, but I think I've got things figured out for the moment. In addition to the cardio workouts, I would like to add a little weight training. (Which, was going well until I messed up my back!)
So, as it stands Week 2 of marathon training is going great. I'm really excited about having a goal and focusing on something positive. I have to admit that I'm praying that the training continues to go well and that I remain injury free. : )
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