Saturday, May 29, 2010

Long weekends...

mean LOTS and LOTS of running!  I love, love, love long weekends!

This morning I ran about 10.5 miles at a leisurely pace with a dear friend.  After our sweltering run, I headed over to the gym for weights and ab work.  I was actually SORE for once on Thursday/Friday from lifting weights.  It was a great feeling because I felt like I actually did something kind of strenuous.  I rarely feel sore from running anymore, unless I've run over twenty miles or have run in a race.

This morning's run was just beautiful and was so relaxing.  Tomorrow is going to be just as fun. It'll be a shorter one, maybe an easy six or seven with the Saturday morning crew.  I don't have a plan set for Monday, there are lots of options and no time limit.  (The no time limit piece of my favorite part of running on the weekends.)

I've just gotta find a race for June to get myself motivated to pick up the pace...

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