Tuesday, July 3, 2007

No pain, no gain.

Day Two.

Today was day two of marathon training, a short three mile run. That sounds do-able right?

Well. It is. And, it should be since this isn't my first marathon. But, I took off two weeks--the last week of school (stress and exhaustion got me...) and the week we were in Texas (the chips and salsa got me there...).

So, I'm struggling through each and every run. The past three runs have been tough, to say the least. My legs feel heavy, I've gotten side stitches, and I just feel WEAK. No wonder so many people don't like to run! If it felt like this all of the time, I'd question my sanity.

It just takes time, though. One day soon I'll get out there and a three miler will be a piece of cake.

Let's hope so, anyway! ; )


M the Mommy said...
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M the Mommy said...

Good for you, Katie. A ONE-miler would be tough for me! Hang in there and it will be no time before you laugh in the face of a three-miler. I would type more, but I have a baby in my lap and one handed typing is slow going...much like me on a one mile run!

:) And you were right about the babes...P is on the left.

Melis B said...

Yeah..great site. I can't wait to track your progress!! Best of luck with the training!!