Sunday, July 20, 2008


So, I'm salivating.  This is usually the time of the year when marathon training is starting to pick up.  It's hard to explain how much I miss the ten, twelve, thirteen mile runs.  When I hear about someone completing a long run, I like to hear ALL about the run.  It's crazy. Yesterday evening we went to a party where a number of the guests and the host ran ten miles that morning.  I loved hearing about the run, and their half marathon plans. I also miss running the streets of our town, as well.  The streets seem to come alive when you run them morning after morning.

 At least I can still run two, or so.  It's almost satisfying...I guess.

1 comment:

Melis B said...

You are SO funny....weird, but funny. Only you...

Glad we could hang out Sat, we loved having you over.
