Friday, June 26, 2009

The Night Splint

Two nights with the splint, and WoW!, I feel like I'm cured. Not really, my heel still hurts a little, but it's NOTHING like how I felt a month ago. It doesn't hurt to walk in the morning, after I take off the boot. Whereas, my foot has hurt terribly EVERY SINGLE MORNING for the past six weeks early in the morning. I had to walk around on my tip toes because my heel hurt so badly, which is a classic sign of plantar fasciitis.

Thankfully, I've been able to kinda follow the marathon training program. This time around, I'm sticking with the Hal Higdon Novice One Program. It just works for me. I never get hurt following this plan, it makes you rest (because you should!), and my times are always faster when I follow this one. Some marathoners don't like the low mileage in the beginning, but I've found that the lower miles in the beginning keep me from getting burnt out in the end- which is so easy to do. This week the plan called for 3, 3, 3, and 6 miles. Tomorrow I am going to work on the six miler. I think my foot (heel) will be able to hang, and if it doesn't I'll stop and walk to the nearest pay phone to call for a ride home.

Maybe a report on the six miler tomorrow?

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