Wednesday, July 8, 2009

On Track...

I knew the second that I joined that gym I would feel guilty for not going every single day of the week. Which is ridiculous, because who has the time or energy to exercise every single day of the week? Call me lazy, but I've had a tough time getting over there this week. I keep telling myself that once we're sleeping through the night, once the baby's teeth finally pop through, once I stop nursing I'll have more energy; then I'll be able to exercise everyday! The truth is, I'm not as tough as many of my running friends. I easily talk myself out of getting up early every single morning. : ) I have yet to get over to the center this week, but I'm going to tomorrow-and the rest of the week-I promise myself! We'll see about that....

Even though I had to take a little bit of time off of running, I'm still on track for the marathon in October! Hurray! This week is an "easy" week of training: 3, 4, 3, and 5. No problem! So far I've gotten two four milers, or so. I missed a day last week, so I figured I could make up for the missed three miler this week. My foot still hurts when I run, but the pain is not as intense and it is not sharp. The weather has been absolutely fabulous for running outside! Absolutely fabulous. This morning the air was crisp and I felt very strong on my short, little run.

Other running related news:

Please check out this awesome site (So Sporty!) , which is for running clothes that are actually MADE in the USA!!!!!! Wow-- that never happens anymore, does it??? Check it out, the tops are adorable. I have two- which were given to me as birthday presents. TJ Maxx also sells these tops in their "active" section. Check it out!! Click on either link to check out the merchandise!! : )

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