The other morning a girlfriend and I had just started a fourteen mile run together and I was telling her about a friend who was on the starting line for the Arizona marathon at that moment. My friend has been working her tail off to qualify for Boston 2011. I'm completely envious. I'd love to be able to focus on qualifying for Boston at this time in my life. However, my girlfriend is in a completely different place in life. She isn't married, yet and doesn't have any babies, yet. And that, changes everything. Or, does it?
Because of work, beacause of tax season, because of being a mom to two beautiful boys, I just can't give any more to running than what I'm doing right now. (Which, really? Isn't to shabby-- I'm training for a marathon, right?) It's frustrating, though, because I have so many running friends who can BALANCE IT ALL- including a BQ time! Right now, though, running is a coping mechanism for me.
I do feel a sense of accomplishment after each long run; yesterday's run was sixteen miles. But, really? Running is a huge stress reliever. It gives me the opportunity to re-focus my mind and heart on issues that are troubling. It also gives me the opportunity to plan every single second when we walk in the door from a school day without Josh. If I wasn't running, I'd probably be sleeping- and, at this point, that wouldn't help my productivy much at home right now.
All that jibberish aside- marathon training is going GREAT! My friend and I ran sixteen miles together yesterday. The kicker is, I'm not EVEN sore. Not even my feet?! The human body is incredible, isn't it? I am completely in love with this plan, and I think it is really keeping me from feeling too tired and run down. Stay tuned... Hopefully another update coming this week. : )
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