Saturday, January 9, 2010

one step closer!

Finished another long run in this FREEZING cold weather! It looks like I'm one step closer to registration. (Guess I should check to make sure it's still open, then!) The run went so well today. Our group met for a crazy fast six and a half mile run and then another friend and I slowed things down a little for the remainder of the run. The plan called for six miles, but I decided to do nine because I missed a long run over the holidays. It probably doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but it brings me comfort to know that I didn't go for the easy way out. I truly had no idea how fast we were running or about the mileage, so I figured that I at least needed to run for an hour and a half. And, since I slowed down for the last few miles, I decided to get in an hour and forty minutes. It was heavenly! Truthfully, I don't mind the cold. There's really no alternative in my mind to running in the cold. Sure, we have a treadmill, but I'm not disciplined enough to run nine miles on that machine. There's always the gym, right? But! It's just not the same as watching an amazing sunrise or spending time with my girlfriends.

So! I'm still feeling good! And this goal is really helping me get through these winter months. I'd like to say that I don't care about the marathon time, but that's a lie. I do. Though, I will be pretty estactic to cross that finish line in March. I think I can...It's slowly becoming a reality! Yay!

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