The weather is really brutal today- we have yet another wind advisory. Yuck! I felt like this morning's run was a breaking point for the marathon training. If I did it, I am still in the game. If I bagged it and cut it short, it would be time to hang up the dream of a spring marathon. Somehow or another, I ran at least twelve miles in this blustery, cold weather. It was not a fast run, by any stretch. I did it, though, which was half of the battle. A girlfriend and I started out together and got in three miles, or so, before we were joined by another friend. (The key to training for a marathon is accountability, which is where running friends come in VERY handy.) My initial partner peeled off around forty/fifty minutes, and then my other girlfriend and I ran for another hour, or so. I ran her back to her car and then headed home, but before I could hang up my shoes, I had to get in a few solo miles by myself. (Another key to marathoning: If you're running the marathon solo, some of your miles should be solo-- especially the last few of a long run. It provides preparation for those lonely, tough miles at the end.)
As soon as I walked in the door, I was BAM!!!! back in Mommy/Wife mode. Before I could even think about showering, I was whipping up a delicious breakfast for my hungry, half-way grumpy family. And while I'm a teensy bit tired, (waking up at 4:30 will do that to you) I am experiencing that amazing runner's high that will last until I go to bed this evening. (Third key to marathon training: the long distance high!)
Right now I am a teensy bit worried about my heel. It's hurting! And these new shoes are not working for me, which is so annoying! I feel like I'm running with weights on my feet by the end of a run. It's so aggravating to even contemplate the idea of buying a new pair of shoes so soon after Christmas. I might have to, though.
SO! Provided the marathon doesn't close within the next two weeks, it looks like I'm going to sign up. My plan is to run nine miles next Saturday and then fourteen the Saturday after that- if both runs go well and I don't have any back/leg issues, I'm in! I just don't want to lose the money again, so I'm trying to hold off on registration until I am absolutely sure I have the time and energy for marathon number six.
1 comment:
I keep forgetting to ask...which marathon are you running in March?
I'm curious for curiosity sake...sorry, I have no desire or willpower to join you! :) hee hee
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