Friday, January 23, 2009

A slow week.

This has not been the best running week, I've been a bit lazy.  Tuesday the weather was bad and I knew that I was going to run Wednesday, so I just took the day off.  Wednesday morning quickly came around and neither boy slept well on Tuesday night, which meant that I only got a couple of hours of sleep.  Instead of making it to the running party, I slept in, which made me feel really guilty.  Yesterday, though, I did manage to get in three miles on the treadmill.  The pace was about ten minutes  per mile, which felt really good.  I wasn't tired at all from the run, it was refreshing to feel so good. 

Today I got back on track with running outside and met a running friend.  We did about 4.5 miles, which was great.  I'm hoping to run both Saturday and Sunday, we'll see if I'm able to fit a run in both days.  Tax season is cramping my style!  I've GOT to get up if I want to run in the mornings on the weekend.  It's worth the loss of sleep, though...

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