Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Running while pregnant:

It's been awhile since I have updated the running blog, in fact...4 months!  At this point, I have almost hit the six month mark in my second pregnancy.  Thankfully, I have been able to keep up with running throughout this whole pregnancy.  At this point, 23 weeks, I am running about half of what I was doing per week before pregnancy.  Most weeks I get in about fifteen miles, which isn't too shabby.  My runs are usually about three miles long, though I do wish they were longer.  

Today I did about three miles in the sweltering heat.  The first mile was rough, it is always the most difficult mile for me.  Once, I got past the mile mark, my breathing started to relax a little bit and I was able to settle into a decent pace.  Every run is a struggle, though, and I get myself out the door by thinking that I'm just going to do a one mile run.  That run quickly turns into two or three or four because once I get started, I'm hooked!  

I forgot to set my watch today, but I'm confident that I got in about three today.  This week I'm planning on getting in two more runs during the week and then a longer run on Saturday.  

I'll try to keep up with this blog, so that I can document my training for labor and baby number two!

1 comment:

Melis B said...

LOVE that you are back. I miss checking up on your running. You are my hero in regards to running and I love that you are still doing it while Pregnant!!

~~You are amazing!!~~

Glad you're back!!