Friday, July 9, 2010

Coolest Thing...

This week I decided to give "Daily Mile" a try.  It's this facebook-esque kind of site that helps you track your workouts, you can build yourself a little workout community.  It doesn't have to be a running thing, either. If you use videos or p90x or cycle or swim... you can track all of it!  Even though I am painfully aware of how much exercise I have gotten in a day or a week, this helps motivation even more.  You can somehow share it on facebook, too, which is kind of fun if you're into that sort of thing.  I'm not on facebook anymore, but I do like having it on the blog(s) because it's motivating to remind myself of my last run.

Check it out!  You also don't have to be "friends" with other people.  I'm not doing it to connect with people in the area, I just like the idea of having a place to track my workouts, pace, and mileage.  It'll come in handy once marathon training really gets underway.  Which, I think it should be underway... haven't even thought about looking at a calendar.  (I don't ever want summer to end....)

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