Monday, September 15, 2008

Believe it or not...

I'm still trying to run!

This morning after Michael and Josh left for the day, I hustled upstairs and changed into my running clothes so that I could fit in a treadmill workout before the doctor's appointment.  My initial goal was to get in about 30 minutes of walking.  Of course, once I got started and into the Desperate Housewives re-run on Lifetime, the walk became longer and I decided to give running a shot.  I ended up walking for twenty minutes and running for twenty.  By the time I was finished, I managed to get in a little over three miles. 

I haven't done much in the way of exercising for about a week because I "over did it" a little over a week ago.  After that workout, which included running and walking, I was miserable for the rest of the day and for two days afterwards, with contractions and a baby nestled high in my ribcage.  (Ouch!) Running may not have had anything to do with the rib discomfort, but I wasn't ready to put myself back in that awful situation for about a week.  It's very likely that I didn't drink enough water immediately after that workout, which probably caused the contractions to start.  

Today was a new day, though, and I've been feeling a bit like a beach whale lately.  So, the running and walking really helped me to change my attitude and my perspective on being 37 weeks pregnant.  And, after my doctor's appointment today, I have decided that I will be run/walking until the BITTER end of this pregnancy.  It looks like I will be having another cesarean, which means NO RUNNING for six weeks.  Bleh.  I can walk, but just can't run.  So, I'm going to continue to give it my all, no matter how slow I am right now.  

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