Friday, September 19, 2008

Thump,Thump, Thump....

"THUMP, THUMP, THUMP..."  That would be me on the trusty treadmill this week.  How I love our treadmill!  (Seriously.  I love it.)

Time for Today:  60 Minutes
Distance for Today:  4.1 Miles

It turns out that this pregnant body needs LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of water after these treadmill workouts.  This morning I walked for about forty minutes on the treadmill and ran for twenty, which was fantastic!  However, shortly after the treadmill workout and after a warm shower, I began to notice this awful rib pain on my right side.  I realized soon after the pain began that I only had one cup of ice cold water after the workout, which is not enough considering how long I exercised.  Since then, I have drank probably five big glasses of water and the pain is gone for now.  (Hurray!)  It's easy to forget to drink, drink, drink when it's cool outside and when you are not thirsty. 

Thursday's Time:  45 Minutes
Thursday's Distance:  3.1 Miles

Yesterday while Michael napped, I hopped on the treadmill and exercised for 45 minutes.  I was able to run for about fifteen minutes, at a very slow speed, after I walked for twenty.  The last ten minutes, I alternated between walking and running, which felt great.  

The sharp, round ligament pains are completely gone, for right now.  I'm thinking that my ligaments are stretched to the MAX, which is why I'm no longer experiencing that discomfort.  It's very encouraging to know that I CAN do fifteen to twenty minutes of running at this point in the pregnancy because if I'm able to hang on to running at this point, I should be able to return to running without too much trouble after having the baby.  Obviously, if I have a cesarean the whole process will be slowed down quite a bit.  I can always fit in a walk on the treadmill, though.  

Tomorrow I have plans to meet the running group for a walk/run!  Can't wait!!

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