Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday's Workout...

Time:  47 Minutes
Distance: 3.2 Miles.

Michael is with the sitter today, so I had some time to exercise this morning.  I managed to walk for about thirty minutes and run for seventeen.  About halfway through the walking phase of the workout, I started to get a side stitch and had to turn down the speed.  Slowing down the pace helped tremendously and my cramp went away relatively quickly.  I stayed at the same speed for another ten minutes before trying to run.  That turned out to be a good decision because I was able to keep the side stitches at bay for the remainder of the workout.  And, I finished the workout with a good run!

The goal for this week is to walk/run four days, so three more "workouts" to go for pregnancy week 38!  There's a chance that I might shoot for five workouts, if I have to reduce the amount of time for each workout.  Friday I noticed that I took forever to recover from exercising for 60 minutes, so I'm going to have to see how the rest of the week plays out.  And, maybe...maybe...I'll try to run/walk around the block a few times EARLY in the am this week. 


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