Monday, September 1, 2008

Lots of Exercise Today!

It's been a great day for exercising so far.  This morning I walked (QUICKLY!) with the running girls.  Because my legs are so incredibly short, I usually feel like I'm jogging beside the group when we walk.  It was so much fun to catch up with my friends and to hear their back to school stories, since everyone has school age children.  I'm so excited that I have just a few more weeks to go (five), so that I can start to join them on a regular basis again.  They have been so supportive with the walking and slow runs, which has been such a blessing.  I don't think that I would feel half as strong and positive as I do at this point in the pregnancy, without their support and friendship.  

After walking about four miles with the girls, I did some shopping at Target.  I had a delightful time, even though my hamstrings were feeling a little tight from the hills and the fast paced walking.  When I got home, the three of us (and Duncan) played out side for a bit.  For some strange reason, I asked Michael if he wanted to go for a walk.  Of course he did, so the four of us headed out for a short walk around the block.  The quick walk turned into a longer one, and before we knew it we walked a little over a mile.  

I'd say I've reached the walking quota for the day.  Though, if I received an offer to walk later in the day, I doubt I would decline.  That's the thing about exercise- once you start and you get a taste of its goodness, your body just craves more and more!  Tomorrow I'm shooting for run/walking early in the morning around the neighborhood.  The mornings are delightfully cool right now, it's hard to pass them up.  

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