Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I actually RAN three miles today!  Wahoo!! No stopping, no walking during those three miles!!  Hurray!!  The entire time I felt fantastic, except for maybe the last four minutes (or so) because I cranked up the speed on the treadmill.   I started off the workout by walking at a slow speed, and then just gradually increased the speed to a running pace.  That seems to work best for me on the treadmill right now, easing into the running stride rather than starting off with a run.   The total numbers of miles for the day was 4.6, with running 3.0 and walking 1.6 miles.  

The running/walking has helped my sleep tremendously over the past two weeks.  While we were at the beach and before we left for the beach, I had nightmares pretty much every night.  That's not fun, especially with waking to pee every few hours and not being able to get comfortable.  So, I've been really thankful for the restful nights that I have had since we have returned from the beach.  I'm sure the restful nights are from the running and walking. 

The only downside of running right now is that my toenails now have blisters underneath the nail beds, again.  (Bleh.)  I know it has to do with the fact that my feet are swelling, which means that my toes are pounding into the front of the shoe.  Sore toenails are never fun, but it's a small sacrifice, I suppose.  I'm looking forward to getting a pedicure in the near future.

I'd like to try to get in another run tomorrow.  My goal for the week is to run tomorrow (maybe 3.5 miles), walk Thursday, and then take Friday off.  


4 Gobblers said...

Good for you! I'm so glad you can do what you love to do! I'm running tomorrow - want to walk on Thur. morning?

Melis B said...

Crazy woman~~ I am happy for you! I know you love it so much. I can feel your pain on the toe nails though....I feel like mine would feel better if it just fell off already. :)

The joys of running.

Michele said...

Hi Katie!
I am so impressed with your running! You would love the rock & roll race. Even though I've taught myself to appreciate running (and it hasn't come easy!) this race was loads of fun!
Hope you're feeling well! :)