Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Rambling Re Running...

The running reunion was great, if you've been wondering...

My friend, Tricia, was in town on Monday, as well, so we got a run in on Monday morning.

The nine miles on Sunday went quickly, believe it or not. After running at the beach for a week, this weather is absolutely delightful and great for running!

Tomorrow I need to squeeze in seven. My initial plan was to do that this morning, but I felt a little tired and unmotivated.

Those feelings quickly dissipated, however, as soon as I got started. I always assume that I'm running ten minute pace, even though I think I go a little faster than 10/mile, so I multiply the miles by ten to figure out the amount of time that I need to run for that morning. Since I skipped the seven miles and opted for four, I ran just shy of forty minutes today. I definitely think I went over the four miles because I was huffing and puffing at the finish of my run.

Next week school starts, which means that I am not going to be able to leisurely drink my coffee and read the newspaper before my morning run. Bummer. I've always got the weekends, though...

Fifteen on Saturday...UGGH. It's supposed to be very cool though, that'll help things!

More later..

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